Trees, trees, trees

Some trees are found throughout large expanses (quaking aspen) while others have a very small home range (Catalina mahogany). Other trees are found in great numbers (red maple) while other are listed as threatened and endangered (Florida torreya).Trees that were once quite common, such as American chestnut and American elm, have become scarce due to insect and diseases.

All these various factors contribute to the makeup of today's forests.

Some of the most common trees, in terms of sheer numbers, include white oak, lodgepole pine, balsam fir, quaking aspen, Douglas fir, sweet gum, loblolly pine and red maple. Some of the rarest trees found in North America include Mexican white oak, maple leaf oak, Torrey pine, Washoe pine, Franklin tree, Kentucky yellowwood, giant laurel, Catalina mahogany and Florida torreya.

Some trees have wide distribution extending across the continent. Most of these trees are found in the far north, where they make up the Northern Boreal forest; this ranges from the Canadian Maritime Provinces across to the tip of Alaska just a stone's throw away from Russia.

Some of the most widely distributed trees include quaking aspen, white spruce, balsam poplar, paper birch, black spruce, tamarack and Jack pine. Of these trees, the quaking aspen is far and away the most widely distributed tree, found throughout much of Canada, the U.S. and the northern tip of Mexico. Quaking aspen are found in Frederick County, particularly in young forest associations in higher elevations.

Article written by members of the Frederick County Forestry Board

Nature Notes for 1/6/2013