Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

March 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Those present: Dawne Howard, Tom Anderson, Vince Perrotta, Dave Barrow, Dave Hunter, Bruce Philips, Keith Schoonover, Lori Schoonover, Sonia Demiray, Augie Mahar, Karen Russell, Mike Kay

  1. Call to Order: Keith called the meeting to order.

  2. Introductions: Augie Mahar introduced himself. He works for BG & E as an Arborist. He is part of Maryland’s Urban Forestry Committee. He recently moved to Frederick County and is interested in touching base with the local Forestry Board. Karen Russell is part of Frederick County’s Climate Emergency Task Force and she will address this issue later in the meeting.

  3. Treasurer’s Report: Dave indicated that we received $.11 in interest. We received $55 donation from multiple sources. We paid $170.00 for the Hood tree tags. Our ending balance is $5,685.48

  4. Logging Site Exams: Mike indicated that we received one plan from a landholding that we had already looked at but it was originating from a different logging contractor. After a short discussion it was decided that we would coordinate a trip to review the site via email.

  5. Climate Change Committee: Karen mentioned that she has been concerned about climate change and global warming for many years and she developed a Climate Change Working Group some years ago to study the effects of climate change, water quality issues, and wildlife dynamics and to develop reports and educational materials to distribute. Karen is also a Master Naturalist. Karen was appointed to Frederick County’s Climate Emergency Commission and she is working in the Forestry and Agriculture section with Paul Walker and Tom Anderson. Karen’s focus is on how to improve wildlife habitat and travel corridors with any remediation activities. Karen mentioned how increasing temperatures and climate change in general will cause changes in animal migration patterns. As such, there may be measures we can take in Frederick County to facilitate migration along the mountain ranges or main river corridors by expanding canopy cover, creating access across main thoroughfares, or enhancing habitats by cover crops, tree plantings etc. Karen’s comments resulted in a lengthy discussion about tree planting, engineering to facilitate access, easements, education, remote sensing and mapping, landowner rights and responsibilities, the Planning and Zoning process, and a discussion on allied groups and agencies. When all was said and done we hoped we supplied Karen with some good ideas. The general consensus of the Board is that we would like periodic updates on the Commissions activities and we would likely support many of the ideas brought forth by the commission.

  6. Tree Walk: Dave mentioned that most of the tree tags have been installed at Hood College. There is a tweak Dave is trying to do with Google’s GPS. (Pitting our man Dave against a multibillion dollar corporation. Stay tuned for next month’s minutes when we will find out if Dave is offered a prestigious VP position with Google or not.)

  7. Arbor Day contest: Our entry won second place with the Arbor Day poster contest. The Mayor of Myersville was so impressed that he asked if the Student and Teacher could address the Town Council about the importance of trees. Dave was working to make this happen.

  8. PR Activities: Sonia spoke about the many projects we currently have on our plate. Wildfire articles: A series of two wildfire articles appeared in the Frederick News Post recently. (Tom and the rest of us mentioned that he really liked these articles.) Sonia is working on an article about Hood College’s Tree walk with Bethany and Susan Simonson. Sonia drafted and article about Tom Anderson’s nomination for the Mel-Award that is given to extraordinary Forestry Board members. Sonia will draft a press release on NRCC Camp. We have one applicant for NRCC and we may have a 2019 applicant as well. Sonia mentioned that they are going to table the Winter Tree ID press release until 2022. Sonia, Dave, and many members also recorded narrative for Middletown’s Green Fest. Sonia thanked Dave B for his job mixing the voices.

  9. Nature Notes: Lori mentioned that we have a healthy backlog; and, we should think about sending some of our women personalities to Sue to celebrate March as Woman’s Month.

  10. Web Site: Dave mentioned that he covered his website report already in other categories, so he has nothing to add.

  11. New Business: Bruce mentioned that he and Eric Dodson have been discussing a combined meeting to discuss our inputs in the logging permit process. Bruce suggested March 18, as a possible meeting time since Mike and Eric will already be meeting. Mike and Bruce will discuss this further via email. Mike mentioned that Sonia has graciously accepted our offer to join the Frederick Board and she sent Mike an application to do so.