Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

October 10, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Those Present: Tom Anderson, Claude Eans, Steve Thrasher, Lori Schoonover, Keith Schoonover, Vince Perrotta, Tyson Rose, Jim Arnold, Mike Kay

  1. Keith called the meeting to order. Keith had some freshly cooked chestnuts for all to enjoy.

  2. Treasurer’s report: Claude mentioned that he has not yet received the September statement from the bank. Claude indicated that we received interest of $.35 August with our account. Claude sent a $125 check to the Forestry Board Foundation to cover Jack Stohlman’s NRCC Activity Fee and received a check for $125 from the Muller family.

  3. Logging site exams: No plans were submitted in time for the October 10, 2016 meeting.

  4. Sustainability Commission: Tom indicated that the Sustainability Commission is meeting with the Frederick Soil Conservation Districts in January to discuss Best Management Practices, including riparian forest buffers.

  5. Big Tree program: Keith mentioned that his large red oak is only 7 points away from the county champion; and, looking at the county champion he noticed that some side limbs had been pruned from the tree. Perhaps we should measure the county champion? Mike indicated that we have a crew lined up to measure Big Trees on Thursday, October 20, 2016. Mike will notify the landowners and set up a schedule. (In all likelihood we will finish somewhere near the Golden Mile around 12:00 hours.)

  6. Nature Notes: Lori indicated that she has three articles to send the News Post; and, she could use some more.

  7. Web Site: Tyson mentioned that the Web Site is up to date. Tyson mentioned that he intends to complete his tenure as webmaster by Thanksgiving.

  8. Other business:

  • Meeting place: Mike mentioned that Ginny Brace invited us to meet at her house for the November meeting.

  • Event planning: The Board took some time brainstorming some events/trainings that we could conduct in 2017 and came up with the following ideas. Assist with tree planting effort at Thurmont Park. Conduct reenforcement planting at Woodsboro Park. Schedule event in conjunction to Arbor Day or Earth Day. Schedule Urban Forestry Training (Tree Care, Big Tree Measuring, Insect and Disease, Planting Trees for energy conservation etc.) Mike will check with Becky Wilson for Thurmont and Bill Rittlemeyer, Woodsboro. (Say, isn’t Trout’s chicken store nearby?)