Frederick County

Forest Conservancy District Board

November 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Those present: Ginny Brace, Tom Anderson, Tyson Rose, Heather Montgomery, Claude Eans, Lynne Marquess, Jim Arnold, Steve Thrasher, Mike Kay

  1. Call to order: Mike (subbing for Keith) called the meeting to order. October’s minutes were approved as written. Mike mentioned that we have a full agenda and the Packers are playing tonight…so let’s get going. Time is a wasting!

  2. Introductions: Tom introduced Steve Thrasher, a person who owns a farm near Jefferson and who engaged in a CREP planting, operates a portable sawmill, is an avid wood worker, and hosted a recent Forestry Workshop on his property for members of the Future Harvest organization. We hope Steve enjoys the meeting and considers joining the board.

  3. Treasurer’s Report: Tom reported that he submitted a budget request for Frederick County for 2013. Tom received a letter back from the County saying that the maximum that will be allotted in 2013 will be ½ of what you got in 2012; and, there will be no funding in 2014. Tom submitted a reply mentioning the Forestry Board’s role in timber harvest plan reviews and said it would cost more in County personnel time and funds if some county agency had to conduct these inspections.

  4. Timber Harvest review: Mike read a letter that Lew Stern, Rosewood Company sent to the landowner’s that the board had visited for the timber harvest review. For the most part Mr. Stern was insulted in the letter the Board had written and said that the board did not render a fair opinion on the nature of the cutting. Mike and Heather will conduct the November inspections on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at Gambrill at 8:00 am.

  5. Tree Farm Workshop: We discussed the proposed workshop at Claude’s Tree Farm at length. Following the discussion it was decided that Mike, Claude, Ginny, and Jim would iron out an agenda, compose letter of invitation, and mail it out as soon as possible.

  6. Workshop at Steve Thrasher Property: Steve said that he thought the program was good and he learned a lot by participating. At this meeting we had talks on marketing timber products, Forestry incentive programs, CREP, the CREP planting at Steve’s place, conducting a woodland inventory, culturing mushrooms, and a portable sawmill demonstration. Karen Gardner of the Frederick News Post was there for a story that has not yet run in the paper.

  7. Monocacy – Catoctin watershed Alliance: Heather mentioned that the next meeting will be on December 15, 2011 at Pinecliff Park. This meeting will be the annual holiday, pot luck luncheon and there will be someone on hand to talk about Frederick County’s Green Infrastructure plan. Forestry Board members are invited to attend.

  8. Nature Notes: Ginny mentioned that she has a short supply of content but she still hasn’t found a person who is willing to contribute stories on birds and other wildlife.

  9. Web site: Tyson said it was up to date and asked the Board to submit a notice for the upcoming Tree Farm program he can post on the website.

  10. Forestry Lecture Series: We discussed the timing and location of this program and we decided to run the program from March –August, and we will hold the program somewhere near Frederick. Ginny volunteered to see if we can procure a location somewhere around Frederick.

  11. Larry Sharpe Memorial: Lynne asked if the Board is still willing to plant a tree and dedicate a plaque at Hagerstown Community College for Larry. After much discussion Lynne volunteered to approach HCC and see what is available. In addition a motion was made to allow up to $500 for the purchase of a plaque and tree for the dedication. Claude mentioned that he knows a fellow who may be able to make a plaque for a reasonable price.

  12. NRCC: Lynne said that she contacted Dr. Stacey Adamiak, FCPS Science Curriculum Specialist, about NRCC and mentioned this may fit in with the Governor’s new edict that students must have some environmental class experiences to graduate. Lynne hopes this will facilitate the dissemination of information about the camp. The next Educational Committee meeting will be on January 5, 2012.

  13. MD Big Tree Program: Lynne and Jim accompanied John Bennett and members of the Cecil County Boards when they stopped by to measure Big Trees in Frederick County. Lynne mentioned that a very large and healthy sycamore was measured that had a 468 point total. This tree is 2 points shy of a large sycamore tree in Montgomery County that scored 470 points. Both of these trees are considered to be co-champions of the largest trees in Maryland. Lynne mentioned that the Board can solicit the Governor to declare a proclamation stating that this tree is the largest tree found in Maryland. There is one glitch though; the landowner does not want publicity or people entering her property so we need to get her permission before embarking on any kind of recognition program.